Philosophy and Methodology
Economic Progress and the Primacy of the Individual
The economic success of the West and of free economies everywhere stems from the acceptance within many societies (to varying degrees) that individuals are all equal in the right to own property and exercise freedom from the collective. States, on the other hand, claim a special and exalted position within society.
The Ideas of Ludwig von Mises in the Context of Mathematics Under the Nazis
From the “Health, Science, and Language under Socialism” panel.
John Rawls and Market Anarchy
Having neatly dispatched Rawls, Chartier goes on to offer a strong defense of market anarchy.
Has Austerity Failed?
Interviewed by host Tom Woods, Mark Thornton discusses austerity, drug prohibition, Obamacare, and more.
Some Libertarian Insights
Interviewed by hosts Greg Lenz and Joe Ruiz, Mark Thornton discusses jury nullification, crypto-currency, and Frédéric Bastiat.
The End of Austerity?
Interviewed by host Alan Butler, Mark Thornton discusses the recent article he wrote in response to President Obama declaring that now was the time
Where is the Austerity?
Interviewed by Emil Franzi on AM 1030 KVOI in Tuscon, Mark Thornton explains why President Obama and Congress should do what is best for the econom
Economics and Freedom
Interviewed by hosts Steve Floyd, Josh Bennett, and Aaron Bennett, on KFAR 660 AM Fairbanks, Mark Thornton talks about current topics in economics