14. War and Foreign Policy
From the book For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, as narrated by Jeff Riggenbach.
From the book For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, as narrated by Jeff Riggenbach.
Rent-to-own stores are guilty of making furniture and large appliances available to people without credit or substantial savings, and at a relatively low monthly cost.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe has famously argued that any attempt to argue against the libertarian ethic of self-ownership and non-aggression is self-refuting, since the very act of engaging in an argumentative exchange presupposes the legitimacy of each participant’s exercising exclusive control over the scarce resources involved in arguing: his own mind and body.
Those who wish to use government power to redistribute income in directions they choose (almost everyone, today) must abuse others’ rights, b
It is often the case that the great intellects advance ideas so rich and prescient that they anticipate, in however embryonic form, ideas that are
This is what makes the claim so absurd that the US invaded in order to bring about freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. The war taught the advantages of all the opposite values. The Iraqis have been fine students of the moral nihilism unleashed by the US government's war on Iraq.
From the book For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, as narrated by Jeff Riggenbach.