Elements of Justice, by David Schmidtz
David Schmidtz means the title of his outstanding book literally. He does not present a tightly integrated theory of justice; rather his "contextual functionalism . . .
David Schmidtz means the title of his outstanding book literally. He does not present a tightly integrated theory of justice; rather his "contextual functionalism . . .
Martha Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice is one of the oddest books I have ever reviewed. Nussbaum is a well-known philosopher, and she raises some issues that are well worth our consideration;
Here’s a message from an environmentalist who hides under the name “Tokyo Tom.” He says it comes “off of the web page of th
Hans-Hermann Hoppe presents The Economics and Ethics of Private Property at the 2006 Austrian Scholars Conference.
Robert Higgs presents War, Fear, and Trembling at the 2006 Austrian Scholars Conference.
Robert Murphy presents the Lou Church Memorial Lecture in Religion and Economics: The Tension Between Economics and
An individual kills someone—for money, out of jealousy, as an act of revenge, or because he doesn’t like his victim’s looks.
In a manner reminiscent of witch doctors urging primitive people to sacrifice their sheep and goats in order to mollify the wrath of the gods, toda
Contrary to Radnitzky's assertion, writes Hans-Hermann Hoppe, it is not difficult to imagine peaceful human cooperation without any collective decision-making.