How the Mises Institute Builds New Scholars
In the tradition of Ludwig von Mises himself, the Mises Institute works daily to pass on sound economics to a new generation of teachers and writers.
In the tradition of Ludwig von Mises himself, the Mises Institute works daily to pass on sound economics to a new generation of teachers and writers.
Empirical data is useful as historical information. But to interpret the data, we require good economic theory.
An economics that forsakes the dignity of the human person and his capacity for creativity and aesthetics does so at its own peril and disgrace.
I fear we will make little progress politically or economically if the attachment to emotionalism does not change in favor of economic realism.
James Fenimore Cooper, America's first national novelist, saw real danger from the impulse toward majority rule as a panacea for every complaint.
In the nearly seven decades since its appearance, Human Action has come to be recognized as one of the truly great classics of modern economics.
The macroeconomic approach looks upon an arbitrarily selected segment of the market economy as if it were an integrated unit.
Like Mises, economist Robert Lucas understood that realities of human action make it impossible to treat economics as if it were a physical science.
How is it possible for Millennials to favor both a socialist government and a capitalist economy? It is simple, they don't truly understand the concepts.
John Stuart Mill and Ludwig von Mises realized that democracy can only work if the voters pay more into the system than they take out of it.