Private Property
Are Advertising “Bribes” Unethical?
If the FTC really cared about the harmful effects of hidden sponsorships and fraudulent goods, it would spend all its time investigating government.
The Consequences of Militarized Police Forces
When police are trained to regard the citizens as military opponents, bad things happen.
The Broken Windows Theory of Policing Has Failed
It is time to admit that the Broken Windows theory has failed and the answer lies in limiting police powers, not in expanding them.
Private Policing Isn’t a Fantasy
Private policing isn't some fantasy, and it isn't just a luxury enjoyed by the rich.
How the State Worsens Economic Inequality
Our monetary system favors those who are already-wealthy at the expense of those who are only beginning the wealth-building process.
The 9 Best Quotes Against Intellectual Property
Louis Rouanet compiles some of the best quotes to use against defenders of IP.
Property Rights and “Human Rights”
The rights of the individual are absolute; but they are property rights.
Do Drive-Thrus Discriminate Against Non-Drivers?
People who cannot drive want to buy McNuggets at 1 AM when only the drive-thru window is open. Should the state force this on restaurant owners?
Private Restrooms Are Private Property
Somebody paid for all those bathrooms inside businesses. The people who own them should decide who uses them.