The Dollar: Where’s It Headed?
1996 Mises Institute Supporters Summit, San Francisco, California; February 9-10, 1996.
1996 Mises Institute Supporters Summit, San Francisco, California; February 9-10, 1996.
Creating programs outside of the markets to try to support illiquid assets undermines the objective signals of markets in which value is measured by the market price.
Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit, 31 October 2008; Auburn, Alabama.
Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit, 1 November 2008; Auburn, Alabama.
Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit, 1 November 2008; Auburn, Alabama.
Recorded at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit, 1 November 2008; Auburn, Alabama.
The consequences of inflation, higher taxes, and more regulation that result from government bailout plans, however, are sure to make losers of us all.
The law of comparative advantage tells us that no matter how much more productive they are than the rest of us, even people who are very productive can be made better off by trading with people who are not.