Mises Daily
The Voice of Tyranny
Those of us still possessed of our faculties of speech and writing might want to use them to communicate as vividly as we can.
Gun Control — on the Government’s Guns
The threat of deadly force is implicitly present in every law, regulation, ruling, or decree that emanates from any government office, at any level.
Marx and Inevitability
Karl Marx did not propose to leave the attainment of communism to the imperfect free wills of mankind.
Contra Marx on Labor and Value
The labor theory of value cannot explain the price of a single commodity. Can it, however, explain the pattern of such prices? No.
Obama’s Keynesian Giraffes
To "believe in" the president, one would have to believe that the source of America's greatness is the welfare state he enthusiastically defends and promotes.
Mises versus Menger?
Even if they differed on the similarity of the social and physical sciences, it does not follow that Mises and Menger differed on the correct method of economics.
Strawmanning Mises
Max Keiser should apologize to his Keiser Report viewers for the ridiculous segment he did and for his crazy claims about Menger and Mises.
Our Products Are Burdened with Taxes
Is it not an incontestable axiom in political economy that taxes ultimately fall on the consumer?
Keynesianism vs. the Gold-Coin Standard
Duncan Weldon of the London <em>Guardian</em> provides a highly useful summary of the Keynesian case — a fine mixture of familiar old canards and creative new errors.