Mises Wire

Achenbach Tries to Make Sense of D.C. Economists

Achenbach Tries to Make Sense of D.C. Economists

A rare thing: An entertaining article about the views of two economists (WPost): “Economists are as plentiful in Washington as gators in the Everglades. This is the great swamp of statistics, the place where raw data is assembled, processed and analyzed for the purpose of creating rational economic policies. Statistics become ammunition in partisan wars. Each side accuses the other of using old, deceptive or irrelevant numbers. It would be easy for a citizen to decide that no one is telling the truth, that it’s all just a game. But at the core, there’s a legitimate debate about the interplay between the government and the private sector. Ours is a ‘mixed economy.’ Everyone has their own recipe for how much of this or that should go into the mix.”

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