Mises Wire

Always a good excuse for the total state

I keep having these run ins with the law over my desire to unclog my nose. Earlier today I tried to buy Mucinex but was declined because my driver’s license is technically expired, only a few days ago. Now, just last week I was in the drivers license bureau doing some stupid tag thing and I asked about this expiration date. They said not to worry about it now; I have sixty days to get it renewed. But apparently the pharmacy doesn’t go along with that idea. They ripped the stuff right out of my bag and told me to go home with a stuffy head.

I shot off a remark about how all of this is George Bush’s fault. The teller shot back: “no it isn’t. It is the crazed meth heads who kept using the stuff to make drugs.”

I shot back: “They are still making their drugs even with the laws, and I really don’t care either way. All I know is that it is illegal for me to fix my stuffy nose.”

I left before I was reported to someone.

Just thirty minutes earlier I was in the doctor’s office (no, I’m not a med head; I was just checking things out) and all he wanted to talk about what the desperate need for more scanners at airports that can see through all of our clothes. I pointed out that people wouldn’t hate Americans so much if we would stop invading their countries and bombing people. He looked at me as if to say: “why, America has never invaded anyone’s country.”

Driving home, I wondered if there was any violation of human rights and liberties that Americans wouldn’t tolerate, provided it is sold to them in the name of security and right living.

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