Mises Wire

Arizona Memories

Arizona Memories
Writes Jim Skelly: “Your article on protectionism brought back memories of fighting to deregulate boards and commissions in Arizona where I spent twenty years in the legislature.”Many people think of Arizona as a conservative state but the fact is that if you walk and breathe and pursue an occupation, chances are that you’re regulated by the state.”Perhaps the two most egregious examples are barbers and cosmetologists, among sores of others, who have to spend more hours going to their barber and cosmetology schools than a lawyer has to spend at the law school before getting his diploma (another bizarre regulated scheme).”One day, during debate on some regulatory scheme or the other, I offered a floor amendment to the bill being considered. The regulatory bills  all contain a nonsensical clause that the purpose of this legislation is to ‘protect the public safety and welfare,’ etc.”I proposed to strike those words and insert that the purpose was ‘to set up a closed shop, limit competition and charge higher prices to consumers.’”Needless to say, I was unsuccessful, but your essay was a trip down memory lane.”


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