Mises Wire

Balloon boy hoax: vice not crime

The press says that the nation was transfixed by a spaceship-like balloon last week that was supposedly carrying a young child, with press and police chasing this thing for miles, but then it turned out to be a hoax. Not having been among the transfixed - I had never heard of this until yesterday - it strikes me as a testament to the gullibility of the press to have seized on this to begin with.

Somehow, though, in the United States in 2009, nothing regrettable or even notable can take place without having law enforcement jump to to crack skulls. and so the sheriff, of all people, is filing felony charges against the parents who cooked up the scheme: “conspiracy to commit a crime, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and attempt to influence a public servant.”

The third one is particularly mind boggling. May this serve as a reminder to anyone who would ever attempt to influence a public servant!

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