Mises Wire

The blog works, knock on wood

The blog works, knock on wood

There is this term in the software world: upgrade. You think it might mean upgrade but it doesn’t necessarily. Sometimes it means two weeks of maddening frustration, searching forums, waiting, crashing, workarounds, headaches, screaming, cursing, and contemplated defenestrations. So it has been with the Mises blog, but after all of this, the system seems to have stabilized. A major factor here is that all the world’s spam comments seem to be directed mainly at the Mises blog, so getting the creeps banned is #1 priority. In any case, the new build is working, we have a new search thing, and the design is better (though not as good as it will be in the next go round). I’m reminded again that I have no patience for serious software work, and hence my gratitude to Chris Pruden and Aristotle Esguerra for putting this all together. If it crashes again, they bear all responsibility (just teasing guys).

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