Mises Wire

capitalism is free trade

capitalism is free trade

Noam Chomsky says: “I doubt very much that you met a capitalist who believes in free trade. To my knowledge, that is close to a non-existent category.”

What “free trade” was he talking about? Certainly not WTO, NAFTA, etc. They are remote from any notion of free trade.

“It is unfortunate that Chomsky dismisses the laissez-faire position so blithely. Even worse, I doubt that he is ignorant of the fact that there are laissez-faire capitalists dedicated to true freedom of trade. The great merits of the scholarship of Mises and Rothbard, free-trade capitalists both, is that they roundly criticized socialism, but also explained in detail how the laissez-faire alternative works. Chomsky has produced no such treatises for his system, like the famous Marx before him, but shoots at others from the left hip while hiding the truth from his blog readers. How annoying.

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