Mises Wire

The Dazzling Vera Galt

The Dazzling Vera Galt

A reader who was captivated by Vera Galt, the daughter of Henry Galt from Garet Garrett’s The Driver, sent in this picture to Mises.org. In her dress and manner she attempted capture Vera’s intelligence, independence, modernity, and strength of mind. As readers know, the book is set early in the twentieth century, and explores the culture of wealth on Wall Street. Vera as a character is so well developed in the book, and provides some of the highest drama, particularly in her radical art purchases. Not sure how much of the plot to reveal, but she is also prone to flights of fury — and at the expense of a very pricey piece of art! But the reader is drawn to her ways, and who can’t be disappointed at the end when the narrator marries her sister. But perhaps this was as Vera would have it! Thank you for this photo!

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