Mises Wire

Drinking Builds Social Capital

Drinking Builds Social Capital

From the Forbes blog: Good news for those of us who enjoy the occasional (or maybe even frequent) after work cocktail: tipping back a few can help fill your wallet. Drinkers earn 10 to 14% more money at their jobs than nondrinkers - and men who drink socially, visiting a bar at least once a month, bring home an additional 7% in pay, according to a new study.


“Social drinking builds social capital,” says Edward Stringham, Ph.D., an economics professor at San Jose State University, and co-author of the report.  “Social drinkers are out networking, building relationships, and adding contacts to their BlackBerries that result in bigger paychecks.” The study, published by the Journal of Labor Research and Reason Foundation, is available as a PDF here.


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