Mises Wire

Euro in Peru

Euro in Peru
Writes Eduardo Kamisato: There are many problems with the US economy right now: an increasingly huge fiscal deficit, huge trade deficit, and an almost negative balance of capital investments that can lead to a depression next year. These, and the generally unstable political environment in Washington, affect not only Americans but the rest of world.    My country, Peru, is lucky because our main export commodity, gold, is doing very well. However, a few months ago, the shipment of other mineral commodities to the US almost stopped because of lack of demand. My guess is that the American manufacturing sector is not as robust as the official reports portray.  As you know, Peru has a de facto two-currency system: US dollars and the sole. You can have your bank account in either. However, two or three months ago, the Euro began to appear on the streets.  I don’t know if this is going to last, but it probably is a sign of a weaker dollar. 


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