Mises Wire

Invade Brazil—Not!

Invade Brazil—Not!

One year ago March, in an effort to spoof the arguments then being used to justify an invasion of Iraq, I wrote a column called “Invade Latin America.” It featured analysis such as:

“Critics claim this region can’t support truly democratic regimes. What an insult! American-style freedom is for all people everywhere. We only need to force it on them. Until now, we’ve only acted intermittently, ousting Noriega or what have you. We’ve given these governments time. That time is running out. “

Well, in the meantime, it has apparently become impossible to spoof the warmongers. The Washington Post has run an article vaguely threatening Brazil. And in an attempt to show the absurdity of the latest round of attacks on Latin America, the publication Brazil.com has reprinted my piece here.

Meanwhile, I’ve been hit with a flurry of emails pointing out that an invasion is premature, that perhaps Russia or China would be better candidates, that Brazil is actually democratic, and on and on. So let me be clear: I’m against invading Brazil. This column was a parody. This was obvious in March 2003. Apparently, it no longer is.

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