Mises Wire

“The Last Great Capitalist Sport?”

“The Last Great Capitalist Sport?”

What’s The Number?

Economic Aspects of the PGA Tour:

...So what’s the number?

“We’re still talking basic here, a little pampering but none of Greg’s Ferraris. You can get by comfortably on $400,000 a year.”

I almost forgot. I want an airplane.

“Interesting you say that, because a private jet is one extravagance you could legitimately consider a necessity. Fly home Sunday afternoon, spend three nights with the wife and kids, and be back refreshed on tour Wednesday morning for the pro-am. You can’t put a price tag on that.”

So what if you did?

“You don’t want to own your own jet, but you can get in on one of these lease deals where you buy a one-sixteenth share. There’s a lot of upfront money, seven figures, but long-term you can get 100 hours fly time for about $250,000 a year.”

OK, so I’m in for $650,000. What am I guaranteed? What if I have a bad week or bad year?


I must get something?

“No, [professional golf] is the last great capitalist sport. Miss the cut and you get nothing. You’re paid for what you produce, period.”

Where do I sign up?

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