Mises Wire

Longer Deaths

Longer Deaths

Lew Rockwell on the Medicare reform that magically makes high prices for prescription drugs disappear. See How Socialism Happens Here: “Those who credit government programs with [expanded life expectancy] progress are partially correct: government has subsidized the prolongation of life at the expense of other social needs, simply by taxing the heck out of young and middle-age people to fund a medical establishment dedicated to pushing the lifespan limits through ever more impressive life-sustaining gizmos and drugs. This has given rise to a huge and largely socialized gerontology industry that does nothing but serve the needs of people who live a decade longer than they might have before LBJ created Medicare and Medicaid. But instead of giving us long lives, the government has given us long and expensive deaths during which the public sector and its connected interests benefit at the expense of the rest of us.”


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