Mises Wire

The Monopoly Question

The Monopoly Question

Here is an article on Monopoly, the game by Parker Brothers, written by Ben Powell, now of San Jose State, back in February 2004. It was posted before we had a blog that permitted reader reaction.

Out of the blue this morning, this email arrived to our offices, and the writer challenged us to post it. So I’m posting it.

You can criticize and contradict, and point out discrepancies between Parker Brothers reality and real reality, and so on, and so on.... What you miss, my less than obstute friend, is that in Monopoly, every player/challenger of the game, is forewarned of the rules, the odds, the risk, the advantages, and the rewards. So I suggest you shut the f*** up about anything else, because all you are doing is talking out of your ***. We do not get that set of rules when we enter this world. Some of us figure it out, and lord over the less fortunate. Some of us win a lottery, you forgot to include that in your less than insightful prattle.
Give me a break. Monopoly is and always will be, the best of the best. The test of time has proven your “why Monopoly is wrong” arguments to be nothing more than blog smoke. If we were given a set of rules, and a clear outlined playing field when we came on board, (no pun intended), I would agree with you, but your argument is so weak, I could care less about your reply.

So there you go! Such passion over a board game!

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