Mises Wire

News: The State Employs Loyalists

News: The State Employs Loyalists

The New York Times is reporting that the Bush administration is giving away jobs to people who are Bush fanatics and dedicated Republican loyalists, while striking people off the list who are not. I know this isn’t news, but when you consider that the whole ghastly apparatus of the civil service and its appointed division was created by the progressives who believed that these agencies would be staffed by socially minded scientists who served the public rather than private interests, the irony is striking. Is there any theory that has gone as wrong in practice as the theory of government?

In any case, what kind of fool would take a political job in the executive branch right now, at the tail end of one of the most disastrous presidencies in modern history? Well, I guess the answer is: a Bush fanatic and dedicated Republican loyalist.

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