Mises Wire

Obama can always afford bullets and bombs

Obama can always afford bullets and bombs

Jeremy Scahill, writer for the famously liberal magazine The Nation just published a brilliant piece on the Obama administrations secret and illegal war operations in Somalia — a country which has been effectively stateless for two decades. Scahill’s piece, The CIA’s Secret Sites in Somalia is being largely ignored by most major news outlets but he did a great interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

From the Morning Joe interview:
This drone bombing campaign of countries off stated battlefields began in 2002. The Bush administration bombed Yemen in November of 2002 targeting an alleged Al Qaeda leader. The Obama administration has dramatically increased the drone attacks around the world. In Yemen, we’ve done cruise missile strikes, drone strikes, now we’re hitting regularly in Somalia. On July 6, there were 3 U.S. strikes; June 23rd, another U.S. strike inside of Somalia. A lot of liberals used to say “the world is a battlefield” was the bush doctrine. President Obama hit harder in more countries with special ops forces from the Joint Special Operations Command and the CIA than bush did. He has made possible a continuation of these policies that I think McCain would not have been able to push through because there would have been push-back through some semblance of an anti-war movement. There’s no anti-war movement that has any voice in this country anymore. Obama has legitimized and normalized, and attempted to legalize policies a lot of people were saying were immoral and illegal under president Bush.


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