Mises Wire

Own a Saddam Dinar

Own a Saddam Dinar

50 dinar 'Saddam' banknoteI couldn’t resist bidding on a few of the Saddam Dinars available through Ebay. I ended up with four 100-dinar notes and four 250-dinar notes, all uncirculated. I paid about $1.00 for each. It appears that face value is not an issue here, except for the 10,000-dinar notes that Iraqis do not want but for which Americans are paying as much as $12-15 each. A friend saw 10,000-dinar notes on sale in an Atlanta flea market for $20 each! 

For dinar commentary on the Mises.org, you can use the new search engine on the archive page: Here are the results of a search for Dinar.


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