Mises Wire

Ron Paul and Technology

Ron Paul and Technology

I guess I’m a bit late on this, but I found this story very impressive: CNET News ranked Ron Paul as the most technology-friendly Congressmen in Washington, based on 20 recorded votes. The story notes that he is a “Texas Republican who represents a rural district along the Gulf Coast that’s home to few Web 2.0 start-ups but plenty of cattle ranchers and petrochemical companies. He topped the House rankings with a score of 80 percent, narrowly besting two Northern California Democrats.”

It might seem strange that a Congressmen might actually do some good even when it is not necessarily in his direct political interest, but then Dr. Paul is easily the most principled person in American public life in the last 30 years if not in the last century.

By the way, the primary author of the article, Declan McCullagh, will be delivering the Henry Hazlitt Lecture at the Austrian Scholars Conference in March.

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