Mises Wire

Schlarbaum Laureate in the News

Schlarbaum Laureate in the News

Antony G.N. Flew, recipient of the Schlarbaum Prize in 2001 (his prize address), sparked a news story with legs; Google news records 208 stories and counting. What’s in the news is his change on mind on the matter of theism vs. atheism, now favoring the former over the latter. What has not been noted in the stories, however, is that Flew is a dedicated political libertarian, a widely published critic of Rawlsian egalitarianism, an opponent of positivism in the social sciences, and a fierce defender of liberty against forced redistribution. (See his vita.) Is it too much too hope that these news stories will draw attention to his work on politics as well? Probably, but just in case, here are some of his articles from the Mises Institute’s Journal of Libertarian Studies:

“Could There Be Universal Natural Rights?”

“Enforced Equality Or- Justice?”

“Human Choice and Historical Inevitability”

“Philosophy of Freedom”

“Social Science: Making Visible the Invisible Hands”

“Socialism and Social Justice”

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