Mises Wire

A Tick, a Tooth, Subjective Value, and Exchange

A Tick, a Tooth, Subjective Value, and Exchange

The following mutually beneficial exchange takes place in Tom Sawyer, and the author concludes with a nugget of wisdom that seems to have been lost on intellectuals for a century or so:

“Say -- what’s that?” [Tom asks Huckleberry Finn]

“Nothing but a tick.”

“Where’d you get him?”

“Out in the woods.”

“What’ll you take for him?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to sell him.”

“All right. It’s a mighty small tick, anyway.”

“Oh, anybody can run a tick down that don’t belong to them. I’m satisfied with it. It’s a good enough tick for me.”

“Sho, there’s ticks a plenty. I could have a thousand of ‘em if I wanted to.”

“Well, why don’t you? Becuz you know mighty well you can’t. This is a pretty early tick, I reckon. It’s the first one I’ve seen this year.”

“Say, Huck -- I’ll give you my tooth for him.”

“Less see it.”

Tom got out a bit of paper and carefully unrolled it. Huckleberry viewed it wistfully. The temptation was very strong.

At last he said: “Is it genuwyne?”

Tom lifted his lip and showed the vacancy.

Well, all right,” said Huckleberry, “it’s a trade.”

Tom enclosed the tick in the percussion-cap box that had lately been the pinchbug’s prison, and the boys separated, each feeling wealthier than before.

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