Mises Wire

On Woods: Uncomprehending

On Woods: Uncomprehending

So this is how the New York Times greets Thomas Woods’s book, which, far from being “conservative” in the sense of the Bush adminstration, celebrates old-style liberalism, as in laissez-faire, anti-war, pro-trade, anti-authoritarian state, pro-revisionist history, anti-corporatist, anti-coercion, pro-voluntarism, pro-decentralism.

This completely uncomprehending editorialist suggests that the Woods book is part of a genre that includes Michelle Malkin’s book “In Defense of Internment”—whereas the two books stand at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum: freedom vs. power. In fact, Woods book stands very much in line with the Old Left revisionism of Gabiel Kolko except with a Misesian emphasis on property and markets and a Rothbardian ear for anti-state revolutionary action.

But what is left and what is right any more? No one knows. Certain this reviewer doesn’t. (NYT link via LRCblog.)

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