Power & Market

JLS: José Osvaldo de Meira Penna on Brazil’s Paternalistic State

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to investigate the intellectual influences of José Osvaldo de Meira Penna’s arguments on the origins of the Brazilian paternalistic state. As a classical liberal, Meira Penna is easily connected to different schools of thought such as the Chicago, Virginia, and Austrian schools. In his book, O dinossauro, Meira Penna argues that Brazil’s paternalism stems from past constructivist ideas that were imported into the country. Meira Penna’s arguments display influence from different schools of thought; however, most of Meira Penna’s arguments demonstrate a clear influence from the Austrian school. Meira Penna’s critique of constructivism and call for the formation of a spontaneous order support the conclusion that Friedrich Hayek has had the greatest influence on Meira Penna’s critique of the Brazilian paternalistic state. In the history of ideas, O dinossauro is best understood as a robust Austrian critique of the Brazilian Leviathan.

Read the full article in the Journal of Libertarian Studies.


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