Along with the United States’ numbers, we also now have Mexico’s estimated Consumer Price Index inflation growth rate. For June 2022, Mexico experienced 7.99 percent price inflation year over year...
By 1982, Mexico had nationalized 85 percent of its economy. The eighties did not treat Mexico kindly and supposed attempts at neoliberalization took over Mexico in the late eighties and nineties. But...
Mexico finds itself in the middle of an energy debate. En bloc, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), seeks to nationalize the electricity industry. In as many words, AMLO...
It seems absurd to have to point out that economic cannibalism, even in the face of a virus, cannot produce anything but devastation, but alas, we live in absurd times.
Do huge wealth redistribution schemes like Biden's new plan actually make people better off? Some people will get a net benefit. How numerous are they? How many millions will take a net loss? The government has no idea.
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