Charles Adams

Charles Adams (1930-2013) was an attorney in private practice and a specialist in international taxation. He wrote extensively on taxes and their impact on civilization, for outlets including the New York TimesWashington Post, and Wall Street Journal. He was also an adjunct scholar at the Mises Institute and the Cato Institute. Among other books he was the author of For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization.


Free Market Charles Adams
The Free Market 18, no. 4 (April 2000) The good news that tax audits and property seizures are down obscures a more important point: by slow degrees, step by step, the tax man in America has gained...
Free Market Charles Adams
The Free Market 24, no. 11 November( 2004) Ludwig von Mises wrote in 1922 that “nothing is more calculated to make a demagogue popular than a constantly reiterated demand for heavy taxes on the rich.”...


Charles Adams

Does liberty sow the seeds of its own destruction? Yes, by consenting to excessive taxes. Government will not want to give up the power. Taxes were to be only for common defense, not offensive wars.

Charles Adams

A tariff set the stage for the American Civil War. The quarrel between the North and the South was a fiscal quarrel, not a war over slavery. The tariff of 1828 was called the tariff of abomination. Nullification was a strong argument to void unconstitutional federal laws.


Charles Adams

The Laffer Curve from the 1920s reflects the truism that a 77 percent tax rate produces the same amount of revenue as a 7 percent tax rate. Once the tax rate exceeds twenty-five percent, less will be collected.