Western countries will adopt (or consider adopting) state-mandated “medical passports”—so-called green passes—meant to prevent covid-19’s spread. They will compel private individuals to carry such...
Among the several misgivings non-anarcho-capitalist people might have with anarcho-capitalism, there is the issue of public goods. Public goods, in fact, are supposed to be those goods which free...
In my latest Mises Wire article, I argued why I believe the State—or, for that matter, the collectivity—has no right to coerce individuals into taking vaccines. However, let’s assume someone retorted...
Forcing one person to take medication or vaccines for the benefit of another person is directly opposed to basic notions of self-ownership and human rights.
Mises explicitly explained that fascism (which he called by its Italian name, “stato corporativo”) is nothing but an outgrowth of socialism and is incompatible with a free market.
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