Finn Andreen

Finn is a Swedish libertarian living in France. He has a Master’s in Engineering Physics from KTH in Stockholm and graduated from HEC School of Economics in Paris. He is a member of the Mises Institute, and of the Cercle Bastiat in France.


Mises Wire Finn Andreen
With the advent of representative democracy over a century ago in most of the West, the popular belief was that the “rule of the few” would be relegated to the dustbin of history. This never happened...


Finn Andreen

Democracy is the watchword with the ruling classes, yet a democratic political system does not protect individual freedoms. Indeed, democracy often has become the main road to socialism. It‘s time for some honest discussion.

Finn Andreen

Democracy, or at least the “democracy” that ensures the “right people” are elected, is the religion of American progressives. Despite its obvious failures, however, progressives claim that democracy is the Holy Grail of governance. Why people believe this is another question.