Gabriel E. Vidal

Gabriel E. Vidal is the chief operating officer of a hospital system in the United States. He has a BA in politics, philosophy, and economics and an MBA in finance.


Mises Daily Gabriel E. Vidal
Caritas in Veritate represents a lost opportunity to continue to develop the classical-liberal ideas contained in Pope Benedict’s first encyclical, Deus Carita Est, in his previous writings on Christianity as a philosophy of creative freedom, and in John Paul II’s treatment of Catholic Social Doctrine in Centesimus Annus.
Mises Daily Gabriel E. Vidal
Everyone seems to agree that the US needs a health czar. But without the bearings of economic calculation — that is, without pricing signals derived in a free market — all patients, hospitals, physicians, and producers of healthcare services (and the health czar himself) are left, to paraphrase Mises, groping in the dark.