George C. Leef

George C. Leef is the research director of the Martin Center for Academic Renewal in Raleigh, North Carolina. He was previously the president of Patrick Henry Associates, East Lansing, Michigan, an adjunct professor of law and economics, Northwood University, and a scholar with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.


Free Market George C. Leef
The Free Market 16, no. 11 (November 1998) In the nineteenth century, the legal profession was open. There were no mandates on the kind or duration of education a person had to have. No law restricted...
Mises Daily George C. Leef
Rockwell argues that one of the worst errors of free-market intellectuals is their discussion of liberty as just another policy option for politicians and bureaucrats to consider how, when, and where freedom is to be permitted.


George C. Leef

We often hear these minimum wage laws are well intentioned. I cannot agree. Minimum-wage laws are evil in their methods (coercion) and evil in their goals (to make people believe they’re dependent on government).