Jim Fedako

Jim Fedako, a business analyst and homeschooling father of seven, lives in the wilds of suburban Columbus. Send him mail.


Power & Market Jim Fedako
“He really wouldn’t think he has built that gun, would he?” — Chief Justice John Roberts In his seminal article, I, Pencil, Leonard Read shows that, “not a single person on the face of this earth...


Jim Fedako

As artificially low interest rates damage the economy, progressives in Congress demand more of the same. In the vernacular, they want the economy to “take the hair of the dog that bit them.” Of course, this only makes things worse in the long run—which is where we are today.

Jim Fedako

While 9/11 is mainly forgotten, a deafening trumpet announces the presence of other supposed crises, such as covid and climate change. The Leviathan is now excited and encouraged by the possibilities of new rules and new IDs.