John Basil Utley

John Basil Utley is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, he studied languages in Europe, and lived 15 years in South America. He was a foreign correspondent in South America for Knight/Ridder newspapers and now writes on foreign affairs for He has served on the Board of Directors or Advisory Boards of many conservative organizations including Accuracy in Media, Council for Inter-American Security, Conservative Caucus, etc. He is an Editor of


Mises Wire John Basil Utley
Today Southeast Asia is proof of libertarian concepts that trade and free markets can bring about political stability, international cooperation and, eventually, civil liberties. Also their democratic...
Mises Daily John Basil Utley
Since 9-11, many commentators have asked question: can the West can really ever be at peace with Islam? If the cooperative spirit of the market economy prevails, the answer is yes. An example is Malaysia, which defies the stereotype. It shows what peace is possible when governments permit market exchange and freedom of cultural contact, while avoiding imperial overreach and belligerence.
Mises Daily John Basil Utley
The pessimistic scenario is not only that American businessmen, students, and tourists will forever fear to travel in any nation with a Muslim community. It could also mean disinvestment overseas, the further impoverishment of the developing world, a lasting world depression, a world split into major warring blocks, and police-state policies at home.