John Klyczek

John Klyczek has an MA in English and has taught college rhetoric and research argumentation for over eight years. His literary scholarship concentrates on the history of global eugenics and Aldous Huxley’s dystopic novel, Brave New World.

He is the author of School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education (TrineDay Books); and he is a contributor to Unlimited Hangout, New Politics, the Centre for Research on Globalization, OpEdNews, the Intrepid Report, the Dissident Voice, Blacklisted News, the Activist Post, Counter Markets, News With Views, The Saker, Rense News, Natural Blaze,, and Natural News. His work has also appeared on What Really Happened and the SGT Report.

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Michael Rectenwald John Klyczek

John Klyczek joins Michael on the first episode of REKT. They discuss the roots of public (and state-sanctioned private) education, the globalist organizations behind the stakeholder capitalism regime, and the making of "global citizens."