Kel Kelly

Kel Kelly is the Head of Economic and Commodity Research at an international energy and agribusiness firm. He is the author of The Case for Legalizing Capitalism. He lives in Atlanta. Send him mail.



Free Market Kel Kelly
The Free Market 26, no. 5 (May 2008) Punditry is seriously exercised about the worldwide shortage of food, which is real enough, but not an act of nature or a result of market failure. Rather, it...
Free Market Kel Kelly
The Free Market 28, no. 8 (August 2010) It is a common assumption in today’s world that capitalism is, at best, out of control and, at worst, outright evil. Everyone knows that it causes most of our...


Kel Kelly
What’s the “American system” of economics? Most people would say it is capitalism, which thereby deserves all fault when anything goes wrong. Well, Kel Kelly responds to this myth in this fast-paced and darn-near comprehensive treatment of the truth


Kel Kelly
Jeffrey Tucker interviews Kel Kelly, author of ‘The Case for Legalizing Capitalism’. Recorded at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on November 15th, 2010.