Inflation—defined herein as a widespread increase in the prices of widely purchased consumer goods—has gotten worse since I commented on it last spring. According to the official Consumer Price Index...
A few months ago, I wrote about President Biden’s anti–fossil fuel policies. Among other steps designed to restrict domestic production of oil and natural gas, the president canceled completion of the...
What is noteworthy about the depressing title to this article is its source. In a case of uncommon candor, President Biden’s economic team has announced that once the artificially high, stimulus...
A central bank whose policies accommodate irresponsible deficit spending by the federal government is a menace to society, unleashing uncontrollable forces.
Stagnation is real, but it isn’t “secular”—that is, sluggish growth doesn’t have to happen. The coming stagnation isn’t foreordained; it is simply the inevitable outcome of a progressive agenda that disdains free enterprise.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we should be thankful to society’s economic benefactors rather than condemning them because of the wrongheaded ideology of egalitarianism.
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