Michael King

Michael King is chair of the School of Business at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.


Mises Daily Michael King
Is government monopoly of money production ethical? We now have the definitive answer to the question. Moreover, writes Michael King, it is explained in a way they can easily understand and hopefully pass on: in the wonderful new book by Jörg Guido Hülsmann,The Ethics of Money Production. It would be difficult to overstate my appreciation for this book. Get it, read it, and then read it again!
Mises Daily Michael King
Most commentators have focussed, with merit, the Fed’s official’s alarmingly sanguine view that monetary inflation is a tool to combat evils and achieve all manner of economic good. But Ben Bernanke’s most revealing remarks concern his subtle references to the Fed as just another branch of the federal government.