European countries are the largest welfare states in the OECD and among the highest in the World. At the same time, Europe’s economic dynamism has faded out and European leaders are getting...
During his recent presidential campaign, Donald Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of eliminating personal income taxes and replacing them with tariffs on imports. The proposal, which was never...
The West is getting increasingly worried about China ’s export prowess as its companies are rapidly gaining market shares in green and high-tech industries. Recently, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet...
Contrary to popular belief, China's economy depends much less on central planning than in the past. China is strong in EV development, and the success is due not to government subsidies and direction but to plain good economics.
Switzerland has been a neutral country for about five hundred years. Sweden also has a tradition of neutrality, but it has recently changed its position, to its own detriment.
In the wake of the financial meltdown fifteen years ago, some countries placed strict limits on piling on public debt. Despite cries that this harms investment opportunities, the ”debt brakes” have worked well.
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