Pia Varma

Pia Varma is a rebel with a laissez-faire attitude, truther seeker and soothe sayer, true believer of rock n’ roll and Jedi, skilled in the ways of the force….she is also a mom.

Pia was born in Los Angeles, California to Anglo-Indian parents. She graduated from the George Washington University in Washington D.C. with a degree in International Business and Marketing. She has written pieces for the Mises Institute and Glenn Beck’s Fusion Magazine and even run for Congress in Philadelphia in 2010. She is also a businesswoman, who has launched several FMCG products into the UK market and is part of a rock band called, Harpers Ferry. She lives in the UK with her husband and son.

You can follow her on her Instagram at @piasmusings


Mises Daily Pia Varma
The story was fairly typical for movies about the English aristocracy: a young girl marries into power only to find herself trapped. Hidden amid the romance, costumes, and drama, I would strike libertarian gold!
Mises Daily Pia Varma
Two documentaries have recently been released about the current economic crisis. The first is Michael Moore’s film, Capitalism A Love Story and the second is Michael Covel’s Broke: The New American Dream.