Rafe Champion

Rafe Champion is a writer interested in philosophy and science, especially the work of the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper and the Austrian economist F.A. Hayek. See his website.


Mises Daily Rafe Champion
Mises (1881–1973) is one of the sleeping giants of the 20th century. For many decades he was the leader of the Austrian School of economic and social thought but he is scarcely a household name, even among economists and classical liberals.
Mises Daily Rafe Champion
For some, Popper is the most overrated intellectual of the century. For others, he is the overlooked genius. Rafe Champion, while correcting the new Popper biography, explains who the man was and what he did.
Mises Daily Rafe Champion
A new book on liberty is an inspiring contribution to the resurgence of the pro-private property intellectual movement. Its replies to Gray, Rawls, and Sen should exert a decisive effect in future debates on political economy.