Samuel Peterson
Samuel Peterson is a student at Grove City College majoring in economics. Samuel is an inaugural Mises Apprentice, a Don Lavoie Fellow with the Mercatus Center, and a Summer 2023 Policy Intern at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Samuel is a an accomplished writer and he has received numerous awards for his writing, including first place in the John Stossel Essay Contest, Mises Institute America’s Great Depression Essay Contest, and the Sound Money Defense League Essay Contest. Samuel’s writings have been published in the Mises Institute’s The Austrian, Power and Market, and the Mises Wire, the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), and Liberty Fund’s EconLog. Samuel’s academic writings are forthcoming in the Grove City College Journal of Law and Public Policy and the Independent Review. Samuel plans to attend graduate school to earn a Ph.D. in economics. His research interests lie at the intersection of Austrian Economics, Public Choice, Economic History, Monetary Theory, Law and Economics, and Institutional Economics. Samuel also served the moderator for the 2021 SoHo Forum debate between Ben Burgis and Gene Epstein.