William L. Anderson

William L. Anderson is Senior Editor at the Mises Institute and retired professor of economics at Frostburg State University. He earned his MA in economics from Clemson University and his PhD in economics from Auburn University, where he was a Mises Research Fellow. He has been writing about Austrian economics since 1981, when he first was introduced to the Austrian view by the late William H. Peterson. In 1982, he won the Olive W. Garvey Economic Essay Contest and presented his paper at the Mont Pelerin Society in the former West Berlin. While there, he met economists Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, James Buchanan, Morgan Reynolds, William Hutt, and others He has published numerous articles and papers on economics and political economy, including articles in The Independent Review, Reason Magazine, The Free Market, The Freeman, Public Choice, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, The Journal of Markets and Morality, Regulation, Freedom Daily and others. He is also a frequent contributor to LewRockwell.com. When he was an undergraduate student at the University of Tennessee in the early 1970s, Bill was a member of the track team, which won the NCAA Outdoor Championships in 1974. He also made All-American and All-Southeastern Conference in track while at UT.


Mises Wire William L. Anderson
The editors of the New York Times still are in shock. Less than eight months ago, the newspaper’s editorial board triumphantly published an editorial entitled, “ Donald Trump, Felon.” Despite the fact...
