“Those days when neighbors could lean across the hedge and brag about their new ultra-low mortgage rates are just about over ,” says the Christian Science Monitor . (Courtesy John Gisclon.)
State pension plans , designed to make sure that the tax eaters never go hungry, are in trouble. But not to worry. “State courts consistently have ruled that taxpayers must pay all promised benefits, regardless of the financial health of a state or its retirement system. Some experts say that...huge tax increases might be required to pay benefits
Writes Jim Skelly: “ Your article on protectionism brought back memories of fighting to deregulate boards and commissions in Arizona where I spent twenty years in the legislature. “Many people think of Arizona as a conservative state but the fact is that if you walk and breathe and pursue an occupation, chances are that you’re regulated by the
Congratulations to Thomas DiLorenzo on the Korean edition of his landmark book, The Real Lincoln , and on being asked to serve as an on-air commentator on the dictator by the History Channel. Posted by Llewellyn H. Rockwell,
Neoconservatives, writes Irving Kristol , “are impatient with the Hayekian notion that we are on ‘the road to serfdom.’ Neocons do not feel that kind of alarm or anxiety about the growth of the state in the past century, seeing it as natural, indeed inevitable. Because they tend to be more interested in history than economics or sociology, they
“President Robert Mugabe has established new courts to counter Zimbabwe’s critical banknotes shortage. The Zimbabwe leader blames the four-month-old shortage on the thriving black foreign currency market. Michael Santu of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe told the Sunday Mail newspaper the courts would co-operate with neighbouring countries.They will
A great verse from the anti-Roosevelt movement of the 1930s (though it seems awfully relevant today): Tax his cow, Tax his goat; Tax his pants, Tax his coat; Tax his crop, Tax his work; Tax his ties, Tax his shirt; Tax his chew, Tax his smoke; Teach him taxing is no joke. Tax his tractor, Tax his mule; Tell him, Taxing is the rule. Tax his oil,
A nice piece on the rise of homeschooling, from MSNBC . “In 2001, the Census Bureau said home schooling was ‘emerging as an important national phenomenon.’ As many as 2 million children were home-schooled at that time, and the number is increasing 15 percent to 20 percent annually, the bureau said.” See Isabel Lyman’s “ The Why of Homeschool .”
Richard Russell in his Dow Theory Letter : “Following the greatest and most speculative bull market in history, we could have expected a severe and costly bear market which would have taken stocks back to great values. But because of the drastic, almost insane measures taken by the Greenspan Fed to battle the bear, this bear market will end with
What is the Mises Institute?
The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.
Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.