Homeschool Resource
The Quotable Mises
350 Years of Economic Theory in 50 Minutes
Market economies are not only efficient but just, founded on individual liberty, division of labor, and private property. Free markets produce every product and every service desired. Free markets distribute all products and services through voluntary exchanges.
A Libertarian Gallop Through American History
Some American History is not covered at all in history books. Four of these ignored stories are: 1) in 1798 a law passed making it a crime to say unkind words about anyone in the US government, other than the vice president, who at the time was Jefferson.
Study Guide to Man, Economy, and State
What is the Free Market?
The free market and the free price system make goods from around the world available to consumers. The free market also gives the largest possible scope to entrepreneurs, who risk capital to allocate resources so as to satisfy the future desires of the mass of consumers as efficiently as possible.