Is a Reduction in Unemployment the Key to US Economic Recovery?
What matters for individuals is not whether they are employed as such but the purchasing power of their earnings.
What matters for individuals is not whether they are employed as such but the purchasing power of their earnings.
Bernanke and the other macro wizards will just so happen to find that their models point them toward bailing out the major bankers and other politically connected titans of finance.
"Through Fed monetary policy, the dollar is cheapened to produce an economy on steroids that eventually breaks down."
By whatever name you call it, this massive "pump priming" by the US monetary authorities will engender exactly the same results it always has: malinvestment, dollar debasement, and speculative mania.
Discarding the possibility of a change in public labor policy, the only means of restoring equilibrium in the labor market is through a sustainable increase in aggregate demand for labor — an increase in private investment.
"Deflation is one of the great scarecrows of present day economic policy and monetary policy in particular,"
Indeed, deplorable conditions existed, but one must not blame the factory owners, who did all they could to eradicate them.
Shows how Austrian economics is basis of Skyscraper Index, which has correctly predicted most economic and housing crises of 20th century.
Looks at causes of the 1929 crash and ensuing depression, with lessons for today. Recorded at Mises University 2010.