Creating Disequilibrium, and Benefiting Society
Right now, as the economy reshuffles, there are more opportunities to generate change than ever — the kind of dynamic change that we need to grow out of this slump.
Right now, as the economy reshuffles, there are more opportunities to generate change than ever — the kind of dynamic change that we need to grow out of this slump.
Private enterprise could have handled production of military goods better than controls actually did.
"Just like Obama's and FDR's 'deals,' John Law's prescription for what ailed France required no sacrifice."
But if you follow the Austrian recipe of allowing liquidation of bankrupt firms and debt, allowing prices to fall without monetary inflation, not propping up employment or subsidizing unemployment, and not discouraging hoarding, you will end up with the quickest possible recovery and minimize the magnitude of economic pain.
Modern macroeconomists failed to forewarn against the dangers of the recklessly inflationary monetary policy pursued by the Fed in the first half of this decade. They now are at a complete loss for a coherent explanation of its consequences in the deepening financial crisis and recession that afflicts the global economy.
We are also constantly told — this time by Chicago economists, not Keynesians — that "we learned in the Depression" that the Fed needs to rapidly expand the monetary base to avert disaster. Oops, turns out that's bogus too.
It is perhaps the finest introduction to the thought of a major thinker ever published in the discipline of economics.
But no area of commercial property will be spared the bloodbath.
Central economic planning and laissez-faire capitalism are completely incompatible concepts — by definition.