
Displaying 801 - 810 of 884
William J. Watkins, Jr.

Cheers to the governors of Alabama and Virginia for sending back millions of dollars earmarked for the "Goals 2000" program slated to be imposed on their states' schools. After decades of federal attacks on local control, they have responded to voter demands that school centralization be halted. 

Michael Levin

There is no reason for taxpayers to support trips to the moon, particle physics, or any other research not directly serving defense against external or internal aggression, the core function of government. Funds for basic research can be allocated by the market.

Mises Institute

The Free Market Reader (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1988) is a 400-page collection of 76 articles, most of which first appeared in the Free Market newsletter. Since 1982, the Mises Institute has used this medium to promote economic understanding to the general public (although academics like myself enjoy it too). The purpose is to educate people about the need to rid society of the impoverishment and injustice caused by the government.